We did it! Thank you for voting #SRC

With your help, I was elected as the Western Australian Representative on the Student Representative Council!

So.. some of you might be thinking, what exactly is the Student Representative Council (SRC)?

It’s a group of CQU students from across Australia who represent, us, the students of CQU. There is a representative for each location in which CQU operates, and additionally for distance students, VET, postgrad, and the STEPs program. Of course, Western Australia is a bit of a tricky one, so I have the pleasure of representing all of the students from this great state of ours. That includes the Perth Campus in the CBD, alongside each study center in Broome, Geraldton, Karratha, and Busselton.

OK.. so, representing, what does that exactly entail?
Putting your ideas into action

For example, if you think there needs to be extra facilities or extended opening hours on campus, you can get in contact with your local SRC rep who will investigate this further. And, if necessary, talk to the relevant staff / faculty members to put ideas into action. Sometimes, change can be implemented locally with just a few emails and meetings with internal campus staff. However, sometimes decisions, especially those that require significant change or budgets, will go before the SRC council for an official decision, in collaboration with the relevant university department management.

Enhancing student experience

The SRC is here to ensure the student experience is as great as it can be for CQU students. For example, this could relate to an administrative process or procedure, that could negatively effect student experience and could be changed to make things easier in the future. Alternatively, it could relate to campus life; the way amenity fees are spent etc. Your SRC member can assist with connecting you to relevant departments for direct engagement on these issues. If they are systemic in nature, your representative can assist shape the discussion and engagement around positive change.

Representing you in administrative decisions

Decisions about the University’s operations, expenditure, strategic direction among other things are made by the executive team. The SRC enables a student voice to be heard within the decision making process. This is a very powerful function of the SRC, and as such, all of the members are particularity interested in your voices, thoughts, opinions, and needs.

So, get in contact with our team – which is really your team -if you want to have a chat about student life at CQU! I’m here for anyone studying in Western Australia. You can Tweet me, IG, LinkedIn, Email, or comment below. If you’re not in my region (too bad!) you can find your local representative through the Student Portal.

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